Sunday 8 January 2012

New year, new start??


So it's been a while (again.... sorry about that) but I have at least been for a couple of runs. And by "a couple" I mean exactly that- two runs in three weeks. This is definitely not good enough and is not going to help me drag my ever-expanding bottom that sits all too comfortably at the top of my pillar-esque thighs around twenty-six miles of London's finest sights. Eek. Not sure there's much to say other than I know what I need to do. I need to get out running. Do I want to? No.

I told Matt last night that I must go for a run today and that he must make me do it even if it meant throwing me out of the house, locking all the doors and chucking my trainers at me through a top window. He seemed to think this sounded quite fun. I thought it sounded as fun as feeling like you're gasping for every precious oxygen carrying breath whilst your heavy and increasingly painful legs force themselves forward with a little hop between steps. Oh yes- that's exactly how fun it was. I managed 2.9 miles and it wasn't pretty. I think it was the hardest run I've done in ages. Urgh. But at least it was a trip out with my trainers. My trainers visited Felixstowe with us this Christmas but seem to be having a strop with me as they didn't actually get to see anything other than the inside of my bag. I think it's my evil trainers that were holding me back today as they made my feet feel likes blocks of concrete.

The problem is that I still really don't enjoy running. There's all this talk of "natural highs" and wonderful endorphins flooding your bloodstream and making you feel that running is a glue-sniffers paradise. Frankly I can only assume these crazy individuals have run so far that they've deprived their brains of vital oxygen and the hypoxia is causing severe confusion and delerium and that they should seek urgent medical attention. Running making you happy? Pah!

However, despite my hatred for moving faster than walking, the fact remains that in 3 months, 13 days, 13 hours, 10 minutes and 24 seconds, the starting horn will be going off to signal that I must start my 26.2 mile journey and everyone will be expecting me to run it. So there we are. Better get training again.....

Plans for this week:
Monday: Long shift at work, no run
Tuesday: ditto
Wednesday: Run 4.5 mile usual loop
Thursday: Try to find a local public pool that actually has public swimming sessions and swim
Friday: Run 5-6 miles before start weekend of 3 night shifts
Saturday: Sleep after night shift
Sunday: Consider short 3mile run if night shifts not too awful (but definitely not committing to this one!)

Oh good. Pray that my endorphins decide to pick me up.....

PS. Remember vaguely when I was running relatively regularly and went to that training day at BHF in London? Well there's a bloke also running for BHF who's making a video journal of his training. Check this out and look for me- I'm wearing 3/4 length black running leggings and a bright pink top (that matches the colour of my face).

PPS. Marathon website has countdown clock on it. I'm not that much of a geek. Yet.

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