Sunday 23 October 2011

A lapse of effort....

I'm aware it's been a while since I last blogged. Four weeks in fact. It's also four weeks since I last went for a run. UNTIL TODAY! Back on track. Or back on Aspley Lane actually.

I've got tonnes of excuses for why I haven't been for a run in the last weeks. Some of them are even true.
- I had a really nasty bout of tonsillitis
- I worked some night shifts and a few long days shifts and was too knackered to run
- My right leg fell off
- Matt went away and I can't run with no-one to look after Katherine
- Someone stole my trainers
- I'm a bit lazy
- I prefer the settee to running
- We got snowed in..... (actually I might pull that one out of the bag as an excuse in December)
- I've had tonnes of other stuff to do rather than run

The problem with being public about my useless running is that loads of people ask me how I'm getting on. This is a conversation I had with one of my bosses this week:

Boss: So how's the training going?
Me: Training for what?
Boss: The marathon, idiot.
Me: Oh yeah.... that.
Boss: Running....?
Me: Yes, I believe it's a forward motion faster than walking.

Lots of theatre staff keep asking how my training is going too and have even, very helpfully, suggested a specialist running shop with NHS staff discount, recommended special socks and given me inspirational talks. One of the staff (Hi Donna- if you ever read this!) laughs each time she asks how I'm getting on with a "I suspect you might die trying to do this but it's very funny watching you squirm every time I ask" grin. Cheeky. But true.

The thing I've realised is that it's so easy to get out of a habit. It's SO hard to get back to it again. The thought of going for a run has been tormenting me. I'm back to that feeling of nausea every time I consider a little trot up the road.

So what I need is help. And that's where you horrible, teasing, chuckling, meanies come in. I hereby give you all permission to nag/ moan/ poke me every time you see me and ask why I haven't been for a run and cheer/ jump around/ yelp a yippee when I proudly tell you I have been. I think I need lots of positive encouragement and lots of hitting with a big stick to get me going too. So please help!

Tonight I dragged my sorry self and trendy, new training togs out on the road. I did my "usual" (though not for the past month...) route of 6K in 42 minutes which isn't too bad given it's been a while. Plus it was windy. Running in windy weather is awful- it takes your breath away and makes your mouth even drier than a dusty playgound. Bleugh.

Anyway, the important thing is that the first crucial run is done. I'm back to training. Oh joy, oh wonder, oh brilliance (said most defiitely in a dour tone with heavy sarcasm).

Right. Best go and massage my painful calfs/ calves (still haven't worked that one out and it really does have entirely different connotations). Until next week..... xx

PS. If he can do it, then I can! Cor blimey.

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