Sunday 5 February 2012

A renewed hatred for running

Right. Let's get one thing very clear (again). I hate running.

I hate running in the heat. I hate running in the wind. I hate running in the cold. I refuse to run in the snow.

I hate running 1 mile. I hate running 2 miles. I hate running 10miles. Fairly sure I'm going to hate running more than 10 miles but haven't actually experienced that torture yet.

I hate running slowly. I hate running fairly slowly. I can't run fast.

I hate the pre-run dread. I hate the during-run misery. I quite like being in the bath after a run but let's face it, going for a run is a not a mandatory pre-bath activity.

I hate the fact I haven't lost any weight for 3 weeks. I hate that I can't remember the last day that my legs didn't ache a bit, or even a lot. I hate the sight of me in my awful running leggings.

I hate the fast, skinny runners that sprint past me when I'm out dragging my feet behind me. I hate the amused walkers that chuckle at my luminous face. I hate the dogs that try to chase me.

I hate mud that makes me slip. I hate uneven paths that make me trip. I hate pavements that make my joints ache.

And I really, really, really despise hills.

I think we've got that clear.

I had to work five days this week (I know most people manage this every week but I'm now used to my slacker part-time hours) which in combination with evening meetings for Matt, a late finish for me and music practices has meant I've only done two runs. One was my usual 4 mile loop of the oh so picturesque streets of Aspley. The other was yesterday in minus 5 degree temperatures.

It should be illegal to run in temperatures that are sub-zero. 

I'd set myself the task of running between 9-10miles and with the forecast of snow on it's way I had to get on with it yesterday morning despite the freezing conditions. (Like I said, I ain't doing no running in that cold white stuff EVER. End of discussion.)

I set off and headed for Wollaton Park again. It really is very beautiful around there, especially with such a hard frost. Everything had a blue hue to it and was quite stunning. As I lumbered around the edge of the golf course, I bumped into these guys......

The locals
Can you see just how unbelievably cold it was?! It was so cold that it made the skin on my tummy sting beneath my clothes. It made my nose run (shame it didn't help my feet run) and my face burn. Also, no matter how far I run or how warm every other part of me is, my bottom is always absolutely freezing. Must be because it's so far behind me.

Incidentally, later on a group of deer came hurtling out of the woods I was running past and made me leap a meter in the air in fright. I stopped to watch, thought I'd better carry on running and then a smaller group ran towards me- literally a couple of meters away. For a brief moment I thought I might have to learn to run an awful lot quicker but happily they decided to re-join the rest of the herd.

Here's some more pics....

Deer chilling on the golf course

Frozen lake and Wollaton Hall

When I took the above photo, I thought I'd take a pic of me to prove my running presence. Seemed like a good idea at the time (any excuse to stop walking and pause for a minute....) but retrospectively, I can see that my hypoxic brain hadn't thought through the image of a make- up free, sweaty Lizzy but hey ho, here it is......

Not at my best it's fair to say!
So ultimately Saturday morning saw me run a total of 10.5 miles which is pretty huge for me. I say "run". I mean run/jog/walk a bit/feel sorely tempted by all the benches in the park for a short lie down. I haven't given in to the call of the bench yet but it's a tough one. Felt absolutely shattered at the end of it and arrived home to find I was locked out and the darling husband (?!) hadn't thought to leave a key hidden and wasn't answering his phone. Did I mention it was minus 5 on Saturday morning? MINUS 5! And locked out! It's fair to say that a few choice words were expressed by me to the sweetheart upon his arrival home. I believe it went something like this:

"Oh hello precious. I'm so pleased to see you. I do hope you've had a good morning. Oh, how I love running. I especially love huddling in the porch in approximately 40cm space waiting for you to arrive home. I love you. Shall I make you a cup of tea?"

Something like that anyway.

In other news, I became the very proud God-mother to Noah James Smith today. He's pretty cool. He doesn't run. Sensible boy.

Don't forget, you can sponsor me at:
You never know, maybe raising money in memory of Mark will help me hate running less? It's worth a try.....

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